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Information Competencies for Students in Design Disciplines
Information Competencies for Students in Design Disciplines

Information Competencies for Students in Design Disciplines, for the first time, compiles a list of core information literacy skills for students. Continue Reading

Date posted01/1/2007

Digital Image Database Standards Checklist: Technical, Functional, Content, & Access Recommendations
Digital Image Database Standards Checklist: Technical, Functional, Content, & Access Recommendations

The Digital Image Database Standards Checklist (DIDSC) may be used as a guide to determine whether a particular electronic image product is appropriate for your library, campus, museum, or other institution. Continue Reading

Date posted01/1/2006

Art/Architecture Librarians and Visual Resource Professionals Compensation Survey
Art/Architecture Librarians and Visual Resource Professionals Compensation Survey

The ARLIS/NA 2004 Art/Architecture Librarians and Visual Resource Professionals Compensation Survey consists of fundamental and contextual questions about art librarians and their associated compensation levels. Continue Reading

Date posted01/1/2005

Resource Guide: Materials Libraries
Resource Guide: Materials Libraries

This brief resource guide was compiled in response to requests from members of the Architecture Section for more information about materials libraries and their development. Continue Reading

Date posted01/1/2005

NH Classification Schedule for Artistic Photography
NH Classification Schedule for Artistic Photography

The NH schedule is designed for the classification of photography books of an artistic nature. Continue Reading

Date posted01/1/2004

Point/Counterpoint on the DMCA & CTEA
Point/Counterpoint on the DMCA & CTEA

In the spring of 2003 the Public Policy Committee of the Art Libraries Society of North America hosted a point-counter-point session at its annual conference in Baltimore, Maryland. Continue Reading

Date posted05/1/2003

North American Lantern Slide Survey
North American Lantern Slide Survey

A collaborative project between ARLIS/NA and the Visual Resources Association (VRA). Continue Reading

Date posted01/1/2003

Survey of Small Art Museum Libraries
Survey of Small Art Museum Libraries

2002 survey of small art museum libraries compiled by Joan M. Benedetti, L.A. County Museum of Art Research Library. Continue Reading

Postedby Joan M. Benedetti
Date posted04/1/2002

Criteria for the Hiring and Retention of Visual Resources Professionals
Criteria for the Hiring and Retention of Visual Resources Professionals

ARLIS/NA and the Visual Resources Association (VRA) adopt the following standards respecting visual resources professionals. This document is available on the websites of ARLIS/NA, VRA, and the College Art Association (CAA). Continue Reading

Date posted01/1/2002

Guidelines for the Visual Resources Profession
Guidelines for the Visual Resources Profession

For current and prospective visual resources professionals and for administrators and human resources professionals who work with them. Continue Reading

Date posted01/1/2000

ArtMARC Sourcebook, Cataloging Art, Architecture, and Their Visual Images
ArtMARC Sourcebook, Cataloging Art, Architecture, and Their Visual Images

ArtMARC Sourcebook, Cataloging Art, Architecture, and Their Visual Images is a guide to cataloging art materials and images using the MARC format. Includes a data dictionary, appendixes, and a bibliography. Continue Reading

Date posted01/1/1998

Staffing Standards for Art Libraries and Visual Resources Collections
Staffing Standards for Art Libraries and Visual Resources Collections

Staffing Standards for Art Libraries and Visual Resources Collections is intended to assist in the determination of staffing needs in art libraries and visual resources collections through institutional self-study and the setting of goals and objectives. Continue Reading

Date posted04/22/1996