The Society Circle

The Society Circle was formed in 2003 to acknowledge our donors.

All individuals who donate to ARLIS/NA are automatically recognized via the Society Circle. Learn more about the donation levels and associated benefits ’on the Donate Now page.

Donate Now

Designated Funds Available 

  • Compass Award
  • Conference Speakers Fund
  • Conference Speakers of Color Fund
  • Internship Fund
  • Travel Grant Fund
  • International Relations Study Tour Scholarship
  • Unrestricted Gifts to the Society
  • Unrestricted Gifts to the ARLIS/NA Annual Conference

Learn more about each fund on the Donate Now page.

Impact of Awards

Donations to ARLIS/NA have a direct impact on the careers of award recipients; past honorees attest to this. Contributions to awards are contributions to the future of the profession. Learn more from past awardees on how the awards, made possible through your support, impacted the professional careers of art information professionals.

Awardee Stories

Society Circle Members

ARLIS/NA acknowledges individual donors quarterly based on their cumulative donations in given calendar/fiscal year (January-December). ARLIS/NA acknowledges the following individuals for their generous support during the prior quarter or year to date by quarter.

Donors January 2024 - December 2024

Founder's Circle ($1,000+)

Sandra Brooke Gordon
Sherman Clarke
Beverly Joy-Karno (In honor of Howard Karno Travel Award)
Roger Lawson
Gregory Most
Daniel A. Starr

President's Circle ($500 - $999)

Peter Bernett
Lynda S. White
Heather Slania
ARLIS/NA Texas Mexico Chapter

Patron's Circle ($200 - $499)

Janis K. Ekdahl
Melanie Emerson
Janine J. Henri
Faith Pleasanton
Gabrielle Reed (In honor of Debbie Kempe)
Catherine Robertson
Jack Robertson
Shalimar Abigail Fojas White
Anonymous (In honor of Jack Stoneman, PhD. BYU)

Member's Circle ($100 - $199)
Louis Adrean        
William Connor        
Samantha Deutch        
Jon Evans (In honor of Joan Benedetti)
Jessica Evans Brady      
 Amy Furness
Lauren Gottlieb-Miller (In honor of Gabrielle Reed)
Katharine Keller        
Eric Chaim Kline        
Dan Lipcan        
Beverly A. Mitchell
Sally McKay        
Margherita Naim        
Christina Peter (In memory of Erin Elliott)
Kathryn Riel
Nicole Santiago        
Leah Sherman        
Sandy Sumano (In memory of Danny Fermon)
Heather Topcik        
Liv Valmestad        

Contributor's Circle ($10 - $99)

Christina Dance
Siobhan McKissic
Rachel Resnik

Past Founder's Circle Members

Those listed as past Founder's Circle members reflect those who donated $1,000 or more in a given calendar year.


Sandra Brooke Gordon

Sherman Clarke

Beverly Joy-Karno (In honor of Howard Karno Travel Award)

Roger Lawson

Gregory Most

Daniel A. Starr


Sandra Brooke Gordon

Beverly Joy-Karno (In honor of Howard Karno Travel Award)

Mark Pompelia

Daniel A. Starr

Roger Lawson

Sherman Clarke


A G Foundation (In honor of Milan R. Hughston) 

Joan M. Benedetti (In honor of Joan and Robert Benedetti)

Milan R. Hughston

Sherman Clarke (In memory of Patricia J. Sullivan) 

Gregory P. J. Most

Worldwide Books 

Roger C. Lawson

Daniel A. Starr

Kathryn M. Wayne

Mark Pompelia (In honor of Rebecca M. Price)

ARLIS Upstate New York Chapter



Joan Benedetti (in honor of Joan and Robert Benedetti)

Sherman Clarke (in memory of Harlan Sifford)

Carole Ann Fabian

Edward C. Goodman

Milan R. Hughston

Deborah A. Kempe (in honor of Mark Pompelia and Gabrielle Reed)

Roger C. Lawson (in honor of Deborah Kempe)

Gregory P.J. Most

Lindy J. Narver

Mark Pompelia (in honor of Janine Henri)

Daniel A. Starr (in memory of Harlan Sifford)

William Stanton

Carol Terry

Lynda White

2019 - 2020

Joan Benedetti (in honor of Jon Evans)

Sherman Clarke (in memory of Williame Dane)

Milan Hugston

Roger Lawson

Kay Teel

Kathryn M. Wayne


Joan Benedetti

Sherman Clarke

Daniel Starr


Joan Benedetti

Sherman Clarke

Daniel Starr


Joan Benedetti

Sherman Clarke

Joan Benedetti

Sherman Clarke (in honor of Wittenborn



Joan Benedetti

Sherman Clarke (in honor of Wittenborn


Doris Freitag (in memory of Dr. Wolfgang M.



Joan Benedetti


Joan Benedetti


Joan Benedetti

William Dane


Joan Benedetti

Deborah Boudewyns


Joan Benedetti


Joan Benedetti

Wolfgang Freitag (In Honor of Pamela J. Parry)


Joan Benedetti


Nancy Allen (in honor of Caroline Backlund)

Joan Benedetti*

Deborah Ultan Boudewyns (Francis V. Gorman

Art Library Fund, University of Minnesota,

Wilson Library)


Joan Benedetti

Betty Jo Irvine (in honor of Indiana University

graduates specializing in Art and Visual

Resources Librarianship)