
Current members of ARLIS/NA are eligible to serve on any committee. Each committee is composed of one chair, six members, and an executive board liaison. Committee chairs and members begin and end their service at the end of the ARLIS/NA membership meeting held at the society’s annual conference. In most cases, members serve one-year terms for a maximum of three consecutive years. However, some committees may allow members to exceed the three-year term limit. Chairs serve one-year terms for a maximum of two consecutive years. The maximum continuous term as member and as chair is five years. Committees typically hold virtual meetings once a month to work on projects and initiatives and hold a business meeting at the annual conference. Participation as a member does not require attending the membership meeting at the annual conference.

ARLIS/NA welcomes all members to volunteer and serve on one of the many committees and groups, or in a leadership position. These committees provide a core service within the society and new member involvement is a vital piece of our growth as an association.

The annual call for committee volunteers occurs in winter/spring with volunteer terms beginning at the end of the annual conference. Watch the News and Events page for updates.

Questions about the appointment process may be directed to ARLIS/NA's Vice President/President-Elect.

Advocacy and Public Policy Committee

Monitors governmental activities affecting art libraries and visual resources collections.

Anti-Racism Committee

Reviews and assesses the Society’s efforts towards diversity and equity and its progress in eradicating systemic racism in the organization and the visual arts information profession.

Awards Committee

Oversees the society's awards and honors programs.
For more information on individual awards, see the Awards & Honors page.

Cataloging Advisory Committee

Formulates ARLIS/NA positions on specific cataloging issues and policies.

Conference Planning Advisory Committee

Develops the annual conference program for the assigned year.

Development Committee

Coordinates the fundraising activities of the Society.

Diversity and Inclusion Committee

Develops and oversees strategies for advancing diversity in art information fields.

Documentation Committee

Responsible for overseeing the policies and procedures for maintaining ARLIS/NA records.

Finance Committee

Ensures that financial policy is observed and reviews policy periodically.

International Relations Committee

Supports the Society’s strong commitment to international dialogue and collaboration by pursuing relationships with art information professionals and institutions outside of North America.

Membership Committee

Coordinates the Society's program for membership retention and promotion.

Leadership Development Committee

Empowers members, fosters a leadership culture, and strengthens ARLIS/NA's future through creation of the annual slate of candidates for Executive Board positions among other tasks.

Professional Development Committee

Investigates and develops methods for delivering continuing education programs.
PDC Subcommittees:
Education | Mentoring

Strategic Planning Committee

Establishes priorities for the Society by defining the mission, vision, and value statements, incorporating goals and objectives to keep the Society innovative, agile, and moving forward.