Special Interest Groups

Serve as a locus for discussion and informal exchange of information.

The Vice President/President-elect is the board liaison for all SIGs.

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What are Special Interest Groups?

The Bylaws Say:

Special Interest Groups may represent any professional, technological, subject area, or other interests of the membership. Special Interest Groups will serve as a focus for discussion and informal exchange of information.


  • What interests you and your colleagues?
  • What do you need to know more about for your job or your career?

A SIG can address any of those needs where it will help to have colleagues across North America discussing the same issues and addressing the same needs.

List of Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

The list of SIG coordinators may be found at the bottom of this page. The listservs require users to first subscribe and then engage via email with the listserv.

Archaeology & Classics

Listserv: archaeology_sig

Art Librarian Parents and Caregivers

Artist Files

Auction Catalogs

Listserv: ARLISNA_Auction_Catalogs_SIG@arlisna.org

Big Ten Academic Alliance Librarians

Book Art

Collection Development
Critical Librarianship

Decorative Arts, Craft, and Design

Group on ARLIS/NA Commons

Digital Humanities


Fashion, Textile & Costume

Graphic Novels, Comics, and Zines

Intersectional Feminism & Art



Manuscript, Archive and Special Collections (MASC)


Neurodiversity & Invisible Disabilities (ND&ID)


Listserv: Provenance-SIG

Photography Librarians

Resource Sharing

Public Librarians

Solo Art Information Professionals


Stimulating Creativity in Practice

Space Planning

Listserv: space_planning_sig

Urban and Regional Planning Issues

[see Architecture and Planning Section]


Web Archiving

Note: Guidelines for Divisions, Sections and Special Interest Groups are recorded in the ARLIS/NA Policy Manual, Section E.

How to Manage SIG Listserv Subscriptions

To subscribe, email with subscribe <insert SIG listserv name as listed in the table above> in the body of the email message (subject line should be left blank). For example, to subscribe to the Teaching SIG, enter subscribe teaching_sig in the body of the email. The balance of the email should be blank, being sure to remove your email signature.

Once subscribed, engage the SIG via email, email address will be <SIG listserv name>@arlisna.org. For example, email the Teaching SIG at teaching_sig@arlisna.org

To unsubscribe, email with unsubscribe <insert SIG listserv name as listed in the table above> in the body of the email message (subject line should be left blank). For example to unsubscribe to the Teaching SIG, enter subscribe teaching_sig in the body of the email. The balance of the email should be blank, being sure to remove your email signature.

How to Form a SIG

The Bylaws Say:

A Special Interest Group shall be so established if it reflects an interest actively represented among the members of the Society; it does not conflict or overlap with the purposes of any other existing Special Interest Group, or Section or Division; and it is consonant with the purposes of the Society.

Anyone can form a SIG. If you have an interest that you know others share, announce it at the conference or on the listserv. Invite others to meet with you and share your questions and your expertise.

Steps for forming a SIG

A representative from the newly formed Special Interest Group advises the Vice-President/President-Elect of the intent to form a SIG and submits to the Vice-President/President-Elect the following in a formal request:

1. Statement of Purpose for the proposed Special Interest Group
2. Number of interested members
3. Name of coordinator
4. Name of submitter of proposal
5. Strategic directions and core values addressed
6. Any additional notes or comments

The Executive Board checks that the proposed SIG complies with the Bylaws. If it complies, then the Board approves the formation of the SIG. The Vice-President informs the SIG that they are official.

A representative of the SIG sends an announcement to ARLIS-L and to the ARLIS/NA website (AWS) content editor informing the membership of the group's existence.

The SIG will then be listed on the ARLIS/NA website.

The group is now officially an ARLIS/NA Special Interest Group!

How to Join a SIG

The Bylaws Say:

Any Individual, Institutional, Business Affiliate, or Special member of the Society is eligible to become a member of any Special Interest Group.

Any ARLIS/NA member can join--the more the merrier!

SIG Governance

The Bylaws Say:

The members of each Special Interest Group shall select a Coordinator during the annual conference, and report their selection to the Executive Board liaison, the Vice-President/President-Elect. The SIG may request funding from the Board for special projects, but otherwise may not incur expenses on behalf of the Society.

All you have to do is let the VP/President-elect know that your SIG exists--otherwise there is no requirement to report formally to the board. If you have a project that requires Society funding, you may apply using the usual Special Funding application that goes to the Treasurer and the Board for consideration.

Art Librarian Parent and Caregivers SIG

  • Meredith A Wisner

    Research and Instruction Librarian for the Arts


  • Meredith L Hale

    Meredith L Hale

    Metadata Librarian


Artist Files SIG

Auction Catalogs SIG

  • Charlotte DonVito

    Auction Catalog Librarian, National Gallery of Art


Big Ten Academic Alliance Librarians SIG

Book Arts SIG

  • Sha Towers

    Sha Towers

    Assoc. Dean for Research & Engagement


  • Jennifer Thomas


    Book Arts Program Director


Decorative Arts, Craft, and Design SIG

Fashion, Textile & Costume SIG

Graphic Novels, Comics, and Zines SIG

  • Caitlin A. McGurk

    Associate Curator, Assistant Professor


  • Tara S. Smith

    Tara S. Smith

    Open Licenses Librarian, Arts & Humanities Instruction Team Librarian


Intersectional Feminism & Art SIG


Materials SIG

  • Lynn Kawaratani

    Lynn Kawaratani

    Liaision Librarian for Architecture


Neurodiversity & Invisible Disabilities SIG

  • Anna Boutin-Cooper

    Anna Boutin-Cooper


    Research and Instruction Librarian

    View Profile



Retirement SIG

Space Planning SIG

  • Jacqueline L Protka

    Jacqueline L Protka

    Branch Librarian, Hirshhorn, Smithsonian


Stimulating Creativity in Practice SIG

  • Fong Ku

    Reference and Learning Services Specialist


  • Devin Selby

    Devin Selby


    Assistant Librarian


Teaching SIG

  • Stefanie Hilles

    Stefanie Hilles

    M.A., M.L.I.S

    Arts and Humanities Librarian


  • Lauren McDaniel

    Lauren McDaniel

    Coordinator of Special Collections / Librarian for History and Art


  • Jacob Lackner

    Teaching and Learning Librarian
