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Unrestricted Gift to the ARLIS/NA Annual Conference

An unrestricted gift to the ARLIS/NA Annual Conference allows the society to utilize the donation in a broad fashion to support the annual conference.

Once the donation/fund is selected and added to your cart, you may then adjust the donation amount.

You may process your donation online using a credit card.

If you prefer to donate to ARLIS/NA via check, no need to complete the online form. Simply make checks payable to ARLIS/NA and mail to:


4 Lan Drive, Suite 100

Westford, MA 01886

Ensure you clearly indicate which fund you intend the donation shall be applied. Upon receipt, our staff will process the donation and issue a receipt and donor acknowledgement letter via email.

ARLIS/NA (Federal Tax ID is 23-7265874.) is a tax-exempt organization outlined in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Suggested Donation:

Let's Get Some Additional Information

Please complete the requested information below to finish adding Unrestricted Gift to the ARLIS/NA Annual Conference to your cart.

Commemorate donations may be made in honor of an individual or organization or in memory of an individual who has passed away. If you are making this donation in another's name, please select the appropriate commemorative donation type.
If donating in memory of or in honor an individual or an organization, please share the name of the individual or the organization.