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JobList 30-day Posting

ARLIS/NA welcomes job postings from any organization that has opportunities that may be of interest to our membership. All but professional position postings may be posted directly to the ARLIS-L listserv. 

Our JobList is a key service for both job seekers and hiring institutions. Providing clear information about salaries, the terms of employment, and the hiring process is important for equity and helpful to employers and employees alike. We invite you to review a quick guide to best practices in art information job recruitment intended for hiring managers and human resources professionals.

Quick Guide to Best Practices in Art Information Job Recruitment

Employment opportunities will be posted to ARLIS/NA's JobList, ARLIS-L (the Society’s listserv), and ARLIS/NA’s social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn). JobList postings are displayed on the ARLIS/NA website for either 30 or 60 days, ensure you've selected the appropriate product. 30-day listings include:

  • Job listed on the ARLIS/NA website
  • One mention of the position on ARLIS-L.
  • One mention of the position on our social media sites.

Job postings must be paid in full for the position to be posted.

Contact Emily Clifford with any questions regarding the JobList or to provide additional files or information about your posting.

Non-Member Price: $200
Member Price: $150

Let's Get Some Additional Information

Please complete the requested information below to finish adding JobList 30-day Posting to your cart.

Enter the name of the employer or organization for the posted job.
Enter the location for the posted job, if applicable.
Enter the position title for the posted job.
Enter the salary, may include a range, for the posted job. Blanket statements, such as depends on experience, are not acceptable.
If applicable, include a priority review, position closing date, or deadline to apply.
List the term of the position (e.g., full-time, part-time, permanent, fixed term, or a combination of terms). If a fixed term position, please include anticipated start and end dates.
Enter the instructions for how applicants should apply for the position (may include a URL to apply).
Include the minimum number of years of relevant experience and/or education required. Also note if pre-professional experience or graduate work qualifies.
Please submit any additional information you would like included in your job listing. If you would like to submit in a file format, please email
List the point of contact for any questions about the position. For the purposes of accessibility, employers should ensure a point of contact is listed for candidates to request accommodations, if needed.