Fine Arts and Visual Resources Librarianship: A Directory of Library Science Degree Programs in N.A.
About this Report
In 2015, the Professional Development Committee (PDC) of the Art Libraries Society of North America undertook a project to update the 2008 publication Fine Arts and Visual Resources Librarianship. Members of the PDC utilized a survey composed of a broad range of questions, aimed at helping prospective students determine the range and depth of course offerings and support services available to those interested in art librarianship, visual resources, and related careers. This survey was created by the PDC in 2008 and slightly modified in 2015 to reflect changes in language and program structures at library science and iSchool institutions. Information was solicited via an online survey of all Library Science programs that were accredited by the American Library Association as of January 2015. Responses were edited for uniformity, but no changes were made to the content submitted by the responding institutions.
At the time of the survey, there were 59 ALA-accredited library and information science programs in North America. The PDC received completed surveys from 42 programs. Concise program listings have been provided for those programs that did not complete the survey. "NR" indicates questions for which an institution provided no response.
This report is intended to provide useful information to those seeking a master's degree in library and information science with the goal of entering into art librarianship or visual resources as a career. Because changes may be made to an institution's course offerings, admission deadlines, etc., information should be confirmed with each individual school.
Updates or corrections should be submitted to the current chair of the Education Subcommittee of the Professional Development Committee.
Program entry information
The full library and information science program entries presented here expand the fields of information from the 1995 Library Schools in the United States and Canada: Educational Opportunities for Careers in Fine Arts and Visual Resources Librarianship to include internships, campus resources, deadlines and financial assistance. The sections below are included in each full entry.
- Programs Offered: Lists the major LIS programs and specializations.
- Specialized Courses Offered: Lists specific courses in art and visual resources librarianship and how they are offered (evening, day, off-site, online).
- Credit and Exemption: Details how credits will transfer from other departments and schools.
- Internships: Lists the number and type of internships/practicums available.
- Campus Resources: Lists cultural resources such as museums or galleries available to students.
- Admission deadlines: Details Semester deadlines for application.
- Financial Assistance: Lists the types of funding and assistance available and deadlines for application.
Compiled by Caley Cannon and Stephanie Grimm