Advocacy & Public Policy Committee Special News Alert

APPC News Alert,
Statement Against White Appropriation of Black, Indigenous & People of Color's Labor

Advocacy & Public Policy Committee (APPC) News Alerts support the committee's mission to monitor governmental activities and social justice issues affecting the professional interests of ARLIS/NA and to keep our membership informed. Monthly alerts and the occasional special news alert are intended to be conversation starters that help members keep up on and remain alert to public policy issues and new developments. The articles compiled in the News Alerts bring to the forefront recent news from a range of perspectives designed to elicit discussion; they are not compiled to represent the views of ARLIS as an organization or the members of the APPC. Previous issues can be found here.

This Special News Alert accompanies the Diversity & Inclusion Committee's March 4, 2022, Town Hall Discussion on the WOC+Lib Statement Against White Appropriation of Black, Indigenous & People of Color's Labor, available here. The statement and the accompanying town hall ask participants to consider the ongoing effects of white supremacy culture in libraries. The WOC+Lib authors ask us to question how DEI initiatives, built on the labor of BIPOC library workers, often result in privileging professional accolades for the existing white leadership, rather than meaningful structural advancement & cultural inclusion for BIPOC librarians. 

The APPC has collected recent articles and resources here, inviting ARLIS membership to more deeply engage with these issues and consider how they might uplift and support the labor and leadership of BIPOC individuals and communities in the art information professions.

This issue of News Alerts was compiled by Freyja Catton, Sarah Hamerman, Rachel Harris, Petra Warren, and Michael Wirtz.