Fair Use in the Visual Arts: Lesson Plans for Librarians

Research & Reports,

(Occasional Paper No. 17) 


About this Book

The Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) announces the publication of Fair Use in the Visual Arts: Lesson Plans for Librarians as an open-access e-book. The authors guide art information professionals in crafting learning experiences that empower students to understand copyright and take advantage of fair use in their art, design, and academic practices.

The College Art Association’s Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for the Visual Arts, endorsed by ARLIS/NA in 2015, is a key document that has the potential to transform the use of images in the visual arts. Education will be an essential part of the integration of the Code into the visual arts, and art information professionals are well positioned to teach fair use and the Code

This book was created to further ARLIS/NA’s mission to support the evolving role of art information professionals, which increasingly includes copyright and fair use instruction. The lesson plans in this book will help those new to copyright instruction teach the Code through engaging activities and assignments. The lesson plans are also meant to inspire teachers experienced with fair use instruction through creative ideas and new ways to integrate copyright instruction into art classes, digital humanities projects, and design education.

Fair Use in the Visual Arts: Lesson Plans for Librarians was edited by Alexander Watkins, Bridget Madden, Alexandra Provo, Danielle Reay, and Anna Simon. The creation of the book was proposed by the ARLIS/NA Public Policy Committee. Lesson plans were written by Amanda Avery, Leslie Worrell Christianson, Cindy Derrenbacker, Laura Dimmit, Nestor Gil, Karyn Hinkle, Jessica Hronchek, Allan Kohl, Bridget Madden, Emilee Mathews, Lindsey Reynolds, Molly Schoen, and Lijuan Xu.